Market Report – 4 June 2020

Total Yarding: 620

Overall numbers lifted and the quality was again good with a large percentage coming off crops. Young weaned cattle were better supplied and there were only limited numbers of ideally weight feeders. Heavy trade cattle were well supplied and there were good numbers of grown heifers and nearly 200 cows. Restocking competition was not as strong and some processing orders were not operating in a cheaper market.

Weaner steers eased 15c selling from 390c to 483c/kg for very fresh light weights. Weaner heifers were firm 387c to 427c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers to feed sold from 370c to 383c and restockers paid to 420c/kg for similar weights. Feeder heifers sold from 344c to 404c/kg. Heavy trade steers declined 23c on average, making from 382c to 392c and heifers sold from 325c to 395c/kg.

Grown steers reached 390c for medium weights to process and the heifers averaged 246c after topping 378c/kg. A large number of the grown heifers returned to the paddock and sold from 320c to 342c/kg. Cows dropped 15c to 20c with medium weight cows making from 245c to 278c and the heavy 3 and 4 score cows made to 264c to C muscled cows which reached 290c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: T&W Medway, Gunning sold 7 Angus x Heifers with Butt Livestock & Property for 427.2c/kg, av 186.4kg, $796.42ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 4 June 2020.
