Market Report – 15 August

Total Yarding: 8,301

Consignments declined, with very little weight throughout the offering. The majority were on the plainer side, with only a few pens of well finished lambs spread throughout the market. The market trend was firm to dearer.

The better new season lambs reached $179/head or an estimated average of 855c/kg. The older lambs gained $5 to $8 throughout most categories, with the light weights topping at $115/head. The trade weights sold from $126 to $200/head or an estimated 759c to 857c/kg cwt. The few heavy weight lambs made up to $215/head.

Light weight sheep improved $8, as prices for the better end ranged from $49 to $94/head. The medium weights sold from $83 to $128, as the heavy weights topped at $150/head. The majority of the sheep carried very little skin value and were straight off the shearing board.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Donna Valley Fodder, Murrumbateman topped today’s market with Delta Agribusiness selling a total of 206 XB Lambs to a top of $215ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb Sale – 15 August 2018.
